
C++ as a first language

C++ as a first language

Unfortunately, despite what people will tell you, there is no perfect first language. Each has its own pros and cons. This article only lists those relevant to the C++ programming language. For other languages (such as python, perl, C, etc.) feel free to drop me a line. C++, while originally being created as a systems programming language, is currently classified as a general programming language. The upside to this is C++ fits many solutions, which also means it is very verbose and a big language to learn. The following is a non-exhaustive list of benenfits and issues with C++, which hopefully will help you decide if C++ is right for you.

Pros Cons
Stable implementations
Many users who don't know what they are talking about
Many experienced users
Lots of bad, buggy software out there
Libraries for most use cases
There is much to learn
Applicable for most uses
Not always easy to get started with
Prepares you for new languages
No central repository/build system
Links well to other languages
Many hidden pitfalls